
​ libev 是一个基于Reactor模式的高性能事件循环网络库。它和libevent很像,按照作者的介绍,可以作为libevent的替代者,能够提供更高的性能,而且代码比较精简。主页是http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html。

​ 在阅读代码之前,先熟悉一些libev中用到的“编程技巧”。


​ 通常来说,Reactor由5个角色组成:

  • Handle:即操作系统中的句柄,是操作系统对资源的一种抽象,可以是打开的文件、一个连接(Socket)、Timer等。
  • Synchronous Event Demultiplexer:同步事件多路复用器,实际上通常是系统调用。比如linux中的select、poll、epoll等。它会同时监控多个句柄,等待事件的到来。
  • Initiation Dispatcher:事件分发器,它提供了注册、删除与调用event handler的方法。当Synchronous Event Demultiplexer检测到handle上有事件发生时,便会通知initiation dispatcher进行事件转发。
  • Event Handler:事件处理抽象类,提供一个通用接口handle_event。
  • Concrete Event Handler:具体的事件处理器,继承自Event Handler,会实现具体的事件处理逻辑。

​ 在libev中,struct ev_loop是框架的事件循环核心,负责事件循环、监控事件、管理事件、分发事件等等,相当于Reactor中的Synchronous Event Demultiplexer和Initiation Dispatcher。libev用watcher来管理处理各种事件,每类事件都有对应的watcher实现,比如IO事件的watcher是struct ev_io,信号事件的watcher是struct ev_signal。watcher相当于Event Handler和Concrete Event Handler。


​ libev不仅可以监控IO事件,也可以监控信号、定时器等等事件。为了化繁为简,libev将所有事件的公用部分抽象成一个结构体struct ev_watcher

/* shared by all watchers */
#define EV_WATCHER(type)			\
  int active; /* private */			\
  int pending; /* private */			\
  EV_DECL_PRIORITY /* private */		\
  EV_COMMON /* rw */				\
  EV_CB_DECLARE (type) /* private */

/* base class, nothing to see here unless you subclass */
typedef struct ev_watcher
  EV_WATCHER (ev_watcher)
} ev_watcher;

struct ev_watcher衍生出其他所有的watcher,就像其他wacher的父类。虽然c语言中没有面对对象的机制,但是libev简单实现了一个结构体的“继承”机制。具体以struct ev_io为例,

#define EV_WATCHER_LIST(type)			\
  EV_WATCHER (type)				\
  struct ev_watcher_list *next; /* private */

/* base class, nothing to see here unless you subclass */
typedef struct ev_watcher_list
  EV_WATCHER_LIST (ev_watcher_list)
} ev_watcher_list;

/* invoked when fd is either EV_READable or EV_WRITEable */
/* revent EV_READ, EV_WRITE */
typedef struct ev_io

  int fd;     /* ro */
  int events; /* ro */
} ev_io;

​ 展开之后,struct ev_watcher 在空间布局上位于开头部分,因此可以使用struct ev_watcher 指针指向ev_io的实例,达到c++中的继承效果。fd和events是ev_io独有的变量,分别表示关注的文件描述符和事件。

typedef struct ev_io
  int active;
  int pending;
  int priority;   // 可以没有
  void *data;     // 给watcher附加自定义数据,可以没有
  void (*cb)(EV_P_ struct type *w, int revents);
  struct ev_watcher_list *next;
  int fd;   
  int events; 
} ev_io;

​ libev提供了很多的set方法,这也是注释中private的意思,告诉大家这里是私有变量,起到“封装”的作用,当然这只是“君子约定”。

#define ev_cb_(ev)                           (ev)->cb /* rw */
#define ev_cb(ev)                            (memmove (&ev_cb_ (ev), &((ev_watcher *)(ev))->cb, sizeof (ev_cb_ (ev))), (ev)->cb)

# define ev_priority(ev)                     ((ev), EV_MINPRI)
# define ev_set_priority(ev,pri)             ((ev), (pri))
# define ev_priority(ev)                     (+(((ev_watcher *)(void *)(ev))->priority))
# define ev_set_priority(ev,pri)             (   (ev_watcher *)(void *)(ev))->priority = (pri)
#ifndef ev_set_cb
/* memmove is used here to avoid strict aliasing violations, and hopefully is optimized out by any reasonable compiler */
# define ev_set_cb(ev,cb_)                   (ev_cb_ (ev) = (cb_), memmove (&((ev_watcher *)(ev))->cb, &ev_cb_ (ev), sizeof (ev_cb_ (ev))))

​ 对于具体的watcher,比如ev_ioev_signal会有对应的ev_io_setev_signal_set方法来设置其中的特有变量。


​ libev支持同时存在多个ev_loop。因此在声明函数时需要指明在哪个loop中操作,struct ev_loop *loop常常作为第一个参数,在调用函数时也需要传实参。像下面这样,

void ev_io_start (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w);   // 声明
ev_io_start (loop, &w->io);          // 调用

​ 但是如果只存在一个ev_loop,可以把这个ev_loop当作一个随处可访问的“全局变量”。在声明和调用函数的时候就不用加loop参数了。libev为了统一这两种情况,就使用了EV_PEV_P_EV_AEV_A_这四个宏。

EV_P ev_loop parameter
EV_P_ ev_loop parameter 多一个逗号
EV_A ev_loop argument
EV_A_ ev_loop argument 多一个逗号
/* support multiple event loops? */
struct ev_loop;
# define EV_P  struct ev_loop *loop   
# define EV_P_ EV_P,                        
# define EV_A  loop                        
# define EV_A_ EV_A,                        
# define EV_P void
# define EV_P_
# define EV_A
# define EV_A_

void ev_io_start (EV_P_ ev_io *w);   // 声明
ev_io_start (EV_A_ &w->io);          // 调用

​ libev也分别对这两种情况下的struct ev_loop做了各自的定义(其实没必要吧)


  struct ev_loop
    ev_tstamp ev_rt_now;
    #define ev_rt_now ((loop)->ev_rt_now)
    #define VAR(name,decl) decl;
      #include "ev_vars.h"                // 这个头文件里定义了ev_loop所有的成员变量
    #undef VAR                     
  #include "ev_wrap.h"                  // 这个头文件里封装了对成员变量的访问

  static struct ev_loop default_loop_struct;
  EV_API_DECL struct ev_loop *ev_default_loop_ptr = 0; /* needs to be initialised to make it a definition despite extern */


  EV_API_DECL ev_tstamp ev_rt_now = EV_TS_CONST (0.); /* needs to be initialised to make it a definition despite extern */
  #define VAR(name,decl) static decl;
    #include "ev_vars.h"                //将ev_loop的所有成员变量都当作全局变量
  #undef VAR

  static int ev_default_loop_ptr;


​ 如果支持多个 event loop,那么 ev_default_loop_ptr 就是一个静态的 struct ev_loop 类型的结构体,其中包含了各种成员,比如 ev_tstamp ev_rt_now; int pendingpri; 等等。如果不支持多个 event loop,则上述的 struct ev_loop 结构就不存在,其成员都是以静态变量的形式进行定义,而 ev_default_loop_ptr 也只是一个 int 变量,用来表明 loop 是否已经初始化成功。

​ 可以看到在EV_MULTIPLICITY没有启用的情况下,实际不存在ev_loop这个结构体。为了方便阅读源码,下面默认EV_MULTIPLICITY开启。


​ watcher是不透明的,需要用户来分配内存,注册感兴趣的事件。主要用来解答三个问题:

  1. 对哪些事件感兴趣
  2. 对哪里句柄感兴趣
  3. 当感兴趣的句柄上发生了感兴趣的事件,如何处理事件

​ ev_loop会在运行时监控所有watcher指定的句柄和事件,当某个句柄上发生某事件,会调用对应watcher的回调函数处理事件。


​ libev支持十几种事件,每种事件都有一个对应的watcher,分别是:

  • 基础事件
    • ev_io // IO事件监控
    • ev_timer // 相对定时器
    • ev_periodic // 绝对定时器
    • ev_signal // 信号处理
    • ev_child // 子进程状态监控
    • ev_stat // 文件属性监控
  • 对循环的hook
    • ev_idle // event loop空闲时触发的事件
    • ev_prepare // 在event loop循环之前调用的
    • ev_check // 在event loop循环之后调用的
    • ev_cleanup // 在event loop退出时触发
  • 扩展事件
    • ev_embed // 嵌入另一个后台循环
    • ev_fork // fork事件
    • ev_async // 线程间异步事件

​ 前面说过,所有的watcher共用一个“父类”——struct ev_watcher


/* eventmask, revents, events... */
enum {
  EV_UNDEF    = (int)0xFFFFFFFF, /* guaranteed to be invalid */
  EV_NONE     =            0x00, /* no events */
  EV_READ     =            0x01, /* ev_io detected read will not block */
  EV_WRITE    =            0x02, /* ev_io detected write will not block */
  EV__IOFDSET =            0x80, /* internal use only */
  EV_IO       =         EV_READ, /* alias for type-detection */
  EV_TIMER    =      0x00000100, /* timer timed out */
  EV_TIMEOUT  =        EV_TIMER, /* pre 4.0 API compatibility */
  EV_PERIODIC =      0x00000200, /* periodic timer timed out */
  EV_SIGNAL   =      0x00000400, /* signal was received */
  EV_CHILD    =      0x00000800, /* child/pid had status change */
  EV_STAT     =      0x00001000, /* stat data changed */
  EV_IDLE     =      0x00002000, /* event loop is idling */
  EV_PREPARE  =      0x00004000, /* event loop about to poll */
  EV_CHECK    =      0x00008000, /* event loop finished poll */
  EV_EMBED    =      0x00010000, /* embedded event loop needs sweep */
  EV_FORK     =      0x00020000, /* event loop resumed in child */
  EV_CLEANUP  =      0x00040000, /* event loop resumed in child */
  EV_ASYNC    =      0x00080000, /* async intra-loop signal */
  EV_CUSTOM   =      0x01000000, /* for use by user code */
  EV_ERROR    = (int)0x80000000  /* sent when an error occurs */


​ watcher有四种状态:

  • initialized,调用ev_TYPE_init对 watcher 进行初始化之后。
  • started/running/active, 调用ev_TYPE_start之后的状态,并且开始等待事件。在这个状态下,除了特别提及的少数情况之外,watcher的内容不能被改变。
  • pending, 当 watcher 是 active 并且一个让 watcher 感兴趣的事件到来,那么 watcher 进入 pending,事件等待被处理。除了特别提及的少数情况之外,watcher的内容不能被改变。
  • stopped, 调用ev_TYPE_stop之后。

​ ev_TYPE_init、ev_TYPE_start、ev_TYPE_stop,ev_TYPE_set是对watcher的操作,TYPE是libev支持的事件类型具体名称,比如io、signal等等。

​ 所有的ev_TYPE_init都是宏定义,展开之后是先调用ev_init,再调用具体的ev_TYPE_set 。也就是说先初始化“父类”,在初始化具体的“子类”。

​ ` ev_TYPE_start(EV_P_ ev_TYPE *w)`函数作用是将具体的ev_TYPE这个watcher加入到loop中。

ev_TYPE_stop(EV_P_ ev_TYPE *w)函数作用就是停止监控这个w这个watcher,从loop中删除。

​ 由于ev_loop对于不同的watcher有着不同的组织方式,所以ev_TYPE_start函数在将具体的watcher绑定到loop中时,有着不同的操作逻辑。具体的 ev_TYPE_startev_TYPE_stop函数分析会放到ev_loop分析之后。


​ ev_loop是libev的核心,用来执行事件循环,组织各种各样的watcher,分发事件等等。ev_loop的成员变量都被放在“ev_vars.h”文件中,通过include展开。


​ 在EV_MULTIPLICITY宏启用的情况下,ev_loop有两种创建方式:

  1. struct ev_loop *ev_default_loop (unsigned int flags)函数,创建默认的ev_loop,如果已经创建,则直接返回默认的ev_loop。这个函数不是线程安全的,不能在多线程中同时使用。会监控SIGCHLD信号。
  2. struct ev_loop *ev_loop_new (unsigned int flags)函数,这个函数是线程安全的,但是创建出来的ev_loop不能处理信号。

​ 多线程中,libev的一种常见使用方式是为每个线程动态创建一个循环,并在 “主” 线程中使用默认的循环。

​ flags 参数可被用于指定特殊的行为或要使用的特定后端,且通常被指定为 0(或 EVFLAG_AUTO)。

/* flag bits for ev_default_loop and ev_loop_new */
enum {
  /* the default */
  EVFLAG_AUTO       = 0x00000000U, /* not quite a mask */
  /* flag bits */
  EVFLAG_NOENV      = 0x01000000U, /* do NOT consult environment */
  EVFLAG_FORKCHECK  = 0x02000000U, /* check for a fork in each iteration */
  /* debugging/feature disable */
  EVFLAG_NOINOTIFY  = 0x00100000U, /* do not attempt to use inotify */
  EVFLAG_NOSIGFD    = 0, /* compatibility to pre-3.9 */
  EVFLAG_SIGNALFD   = 0x00200000U, /* attempt to use signalfd */
  EVFLAG_NOSIGMASK  = 0x00400000U, /* avoid modifying the signal mask */
  EVFLAG_NOTIMERFD  = 0x00800000U  /* avoid creating a timerfd */
/* method bits to be ored together */
enum {
  EVBACKEND_SELECT   = 0x00000001U, /* available just about anywhere */
  EVBACKEND_POLL     = 0x00000002U, /* !win, !aix, broken on osx */
  EVBACKEND_EPOLL    = 0x00000004U, /* linux */
  EVBACKEND_KQUEUE   = 0x00000008U, /* bsd, broken on osx */
  EVBACKEND_DEVPOLL  = 0x00000010U, /* solaris 8 */ /* NYI */
  EVBACKEND_PORT     = 0x00000020U, /* solaris 10 */
  EVBACKEND_LINUXAIO = 0x00000040U, /* linux AIO, 4.19+ */
  EVBACKEND_IOURING  = 0x00000080U, /* linux io_uring, 5.1+ */
  EVBACKEND_ALL      = 0x000000FFU, /* all known backends */
  EVBACKEND_MASK     = 0x0000FFFFU  /* all future backends */


void ev_run (EV_P_ int flags); 
void ev_break (EV_P_ int how); 


  • 0.通常这是我们想要的,每次轮询在poll都会等待一段时间然后处理pending事件。
  • EVRUN_NOWAIT.运行一次,在poll时候不会等待。这样效果相当于只是处理pending事件。
  • EVRUN_ONCE.运行一次,但是在poll时候会等待,然后处理pending事件。


  • EVBREAK_ONE.只是退出一次ev_run这个调用。通常来说使用这个就可以了。
  • EVBREAK_ALL.退出所有的ev_run调用。这种情况存在于ev_run在pengding处理时候会递归调用。


int ev_run (EV_P_ int flags)

  EV_INVOKE_PENDING; /* invoke all pending watchers */ /* in case we recurse, ensure ordering stays nice and clean ,确保之前发生的事件都已经被处理*/

#if EV_VERIFY >= 2  // 当EV_VERIFY >= 2时,用于校验当前的结构体是否正常
      ev_verify (EV_A);

#ifndef _WIN32
      if (ecb_expect_false (curpid)) /* penalise the forking check even more */
        if (ecb_expect_false (getpid () != curpid))
          {  // 这个进程是新fork出来的,会执行ev_fork事件的回调
            curpid = getpid ();
            postfork = 1;

      /* we might have forked, so queue fork handlers */
      if (ecb_expect_false (postfork))
        if (forkcnt)
            queue_events (EV_A_ (W *)forks, forkcnt, EV_FORK);

      /* queue prepare watchers (and execute them) */
      if (ecb_expect_false (preparecnt))
          queue_events (EV_A_ (W *)prepares, preparecnt, EV_PREPARE);

      if (ecb_expect_false (loop_done))

      /* we might have forked, so reify kernel state if necessary */
      if (ecb_expect_false (postfork))
        loop_fork (EV_A);

      /* 根据fdchanges数组调整有改变的文件描述符和事件 */
      /* update fd-related kernel structures using backend_modify()*/
      fd_reify (EV_A);

      /* 计算poll应该阻塞的时间,这个时间与定时器超时时间有关 */
      /* calculate blocking time */
        assert ((loop_done = EVBREAK_RECURSE, 1)); /* assert for side effect */
        backend_poll (EV_A_ waittime);
        assert ((loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL, 1)); /* assert for side effect */

        pipe_write_wanted = 0; /* just an optimisation, no fence needed */

        if (pipe_write_skipped)
            assert (("libev: pipe_w not active, but pipe not written", ev_is_active (&pipe_w)));
            ev_feed_event (EV_A_ &pipe_w, EV_CUSTOM);

        /* update ev_rt_now, do magic */
        time_update (EV_A_ waittime + sleeptime);
      /* 如果栈顶元素的超时时间已经超过了当前时间,则将栈顶元素的监控器添加到
       * loop->pendings中,并调整堆结构,接着判断栈顶元素是否仍超时,一致重复,
       * 直到栈顶元素不再超时。
      /* queue pending timers and reschedule them */
      timers_reify (EV_A); /* relative timers called last */
      periodics_reify (EV_A); /* absolute timers called first */

      /* queue idle watchers unless other events are pending */
      idle_reify (EV_A);

      /* queue check watchers, to be executed first */
      if (ecb_expect_false (checkcnt))
        queue_events (EV_A_ (W *)checks, checkcnt, EV_CHECK);

    } while (ecb_expect_true (
    && !loop_done
    && !(flags & (EVRUN_ONCE | EVRUN_NOWAIT))

  if (loop_done == EVBREAK_ONE)
    loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL;

  return activecnt;


  • 触发那些已经pending的watchers,包括fork watcher和prepare watcher.
  • 判断是否loop_done
  • 用fd_reify调整有改变的fd和事件
  • 计算出poll阻塞的等待时间,并且进行必要的sleep
  • backend_poll开始轮询,并且整理好pending事件
  • 使用timers_reify和periodics_reify调整相对定时器和绝对定时器的堆结构
  • 触发那些已经pending的watchers,包括check watcher和io watcher



VARx(int, backend)
VARx(int, backend_fd)
VARx(ev_tstamp, backend_mintime) /* assumed typical timer resolution */
VAR (backend_modify, void (*backend_modify)(EV_P_ int fd, int oev, int nev))
VAR (backend_poll  , void (*backend_poll)(EV_P_ ev_tstamp timeout))


enum {
  EVBACKEND_SELECT   = 0x00000001U, /* available just about anywhere */
  EVBACKEND_POLL     = 0x00000002U, /* !win, !aix, broken on osx */
  EVBACKEND_EPOLL    = 0x00000004U, /* linux */
  EVBACKEND_KQUEUE   = 0x00000008U, /* bsd, broken on osx */
  EVBACKEND_DEVPOLL  = 0x00000010U, /* solaris 8 */ /* NYI */
  EVBACKEND_PORT     = 0x00000020U, /* solaris 10 */
  EVBACKEND_LINUXAIO = 0x00000040U, /* linux AIO, 4.19+ */
  EVBACKEND_IOURING  = 0x00000080U, /* linux io_uring, 5.1+ */
  EVBACKEND_ALL      = 0x000000FFU, /* all known backends */
  EVBACKEND_MASK     = 0x0000FFFFU  /* all future backends */

      if (!backend && (flags & EVBACKEND_EPOLL   )) backend = epoll_init     (EV_A_ flags);

​ 创建ev_loop的两个函数中都会调用loop_init函数,loop_init函数会具体选择一种可用的系统调用来使用,同时进行相应的初始化,比如epoll_init、select_init。

​ 在具体的初始化中,会设置backend_poll、backend_modify、backend_mintime三个成员变量的值。backend_poll和backend_modify是函数指针,void (*backend_poll)(EV_P_ ev_tstamp timeout),初始化后会指向具体的函数。比如epoll_init函数,

int epoll_init (EV_P_ int flags)
  if ((backend_fd = epoll_epoll_create ()) < 0)
    return 0;

  backend_mintime = EV_TS_CONST (1e-3); /* epoll does sometimes return early, this is just to avoid the worst */
  backend_modify  = epoll_modify;
  backend_poll    = epoll_poll;

  epoll_eventmax = 64; /* initial number of events receivable per poll */
  epoll_events = (struct epoll_event *)ev_malloc (sizeof (struct epoll_event) * epoll_eventmax);




static void epoll_poll (EV_P_ ev_tstamp timeout)
  eventcnt = epoll_wait (backend_fd, epoll_events, epoll_eventmax, EV_TS_TO_MSEC (timeout));
  for (i = 0; i < eventcnt; ++i)
      struct epoll_event *ev = epoll_events + i;

      int fd = (uint32_t)ev->data.u64; /* mask out the lower 32 bits */
      int want = anfds [fd].events;
      int got  = (ev->events & (EPOLLOUT | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP) ? EV_WRITE : 0)
               | (ev->events & (EPOLLIN  | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP) ? EV_READ  : 0);

      fd_event (EV_A_ fd, got);

  /* if the receive array was full, increase its size */
  if (ecb_expect_false (eventcnt == epoll_eventmax))
      ev_free (epoll_events);
      epoll_eventmax = array_nextsize (sizeof (struct epoll_event), epoll_eventmax, epoll_eventmax + 1);
      epoll_events = (struct epoll_event *)ev_malloc (sizeof (struct epoll_event) * epoll_eventmax);


  • 调用epoll_wait等待事件到来
  • fd_event解析事件的类型,然后按照优先级放到pendings里面

IO watcher分析

文件IO是网络编程的核心部分,这里对IO watcher进行简单分析。

#include <ev.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// every watcher type has its own typedef'd struct with the name ev_TYPE
ev_io stdin_watcher;
ev_timer timeout_watcher;

// all watcher callbacks have a similar signature
// this callback is called when data is readable on stdin
static void stdin_cb (EV_P_ ev_io *w, int revents)
	puts ("stdin ready");
	// for one-shot events, one must manually stop the watcher
	// with its corresponding stop function.
	ev_io_stop (EV_A_ w);

	// this causes all nested ev_run's to stop iterating
	ev_break (EV_A_ EVBREAK_ALL);

int main (void)
	// use the default event loop unless you have special needs
	// struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; /* OR ev_default_loop(0) */

	// initialise an io watcher, then start it
	// this one will watch for stdin to become readable
	ev_io_init(&stdin_watcher, stdin_cb, /*STDIN_FILENO*/ 0, EV_READ);
	ev_io_start(EV_A_ &stdin_watcher);

	ev_loop(EV_A_ 0); /* now wait for events to arrive */

	return 0;


​ ev_loop使用anfds管理ev_io。anfds是一个元素为ANFD的数组,ANFD是一个链表,所以anfds是一个元素为链表的数组。

VARx(ANFD *, anfds)
VARx(int, anfdmax)      // anfds数组所能容纳的最大元素个数

typedef ev_watcher_list *WL;

/* file descriptor info structure */
typedef struct
  WL head;
  unsigned char events; /* the events watched for */
  unsigned char reify;  /* flag set when this ANFD needs reification (EV_ANFD_REIFY, EV__IOFDSET) */
  unsigned char emask;  /* some backends store the actual kernel mask in here */
  unsigned char eflags; /* flags field for use by backends */
  unsigned int egen;    /* generation counter to counter epoll bugs */
  SOCKET handle;
  OVERLAPPED or, ow;

​ 既然ANFD是文件描述符信息结构体,怎么没在结构体里看到fd变量?这是因为fd已经作为anfds数组的下标,anfds[fd] = ANFD。这样可以快速找到与指定fd相关的所有watcher。综上,anfds结构如图:

ev_io_start 函数

void ev_io_start(EV_P_ ev_io *w) 函数是把w加入到loop中,源码如下:

void ev_io_start (EV_P_ ev_io *w) EV_NOEXCEPT
  int fd = w->fd;

  if (ecb_expect_false (ev_is_active (w)))

  assert (("libev: ev_io_start called with negative fd", fd >= 0));
  assert (("libev: ev_io_start called with illegal event mask", !(w->events & ~(EV__IOFDSET | EV_READ | EV_WRITE))));

  ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, 1);
  array_needsize (ANFD, anfds, anfdmax, fd + 1, array_needsize_zerofill);
  wlist_add (&anfds[fd].head, (WL)w);

  /* common bug, apparently */
  assert (("libev: ev_io_start called with corrupted watcher", ((WL)w)->next != (WL)w));

  fd_change (EV_A_ fd, w->events & EV__IOFDSET | EV_ANFD_REIFY);
  w->events &= ~EV__IOFDSET;


  1. ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, 1);
void ev_start (EV_P_ W w, int active)
  pri_adjust (EV_A_ w);  // 调整w的优先级
  w->active = active;    // 设置w的状态的active
  ev_ref (EV_A);         // 递增loop的activecnt
  1. array_needsize对anfds数组扩容,wlist_add把w加入到anfds[fd]的链表中。
  2. fd_change函数递增fdchangecnt,将fd加入到fdchanges数组中。fdchanges数组用来指出哪些fd发生了变化,新增了watcher,删除了watcher等等。在下次事件循环之前,由fd_reify函数进行调整。


array_needsize 宏

​ 在Libev中,如果数组需要扩容,会使用array_needsize宏进行处理。比如,元素类型为ANFD的数组anfds,当前大小为anfdmax,要扩大为fd+1,新扩容的空间使用array_needsize_zerofill进行初始化:

array_needsize (ANFD, anfds, anfdmax, fd + 1, array_needsize_zerofill);

​ array_needsize宏的主要工作在array_realloc函数中,

static void *array_realloc (int elem, void *base, int *cur, int cnt)
  *cur = array_nextsize (elem, *cur, cnt);   // 计算最终的元素个数
  return ev_realloc (base, elem * *cur);     // 负责realloc


/* find a suitable new size for the given array, */
/* hopefully by rounding to a nice-to-malloc size */
inline_size int array_nextsize (int elem, int cur, int cnt)
  int ncur = cur + 1;

    ncur <<= 1;
  while (cnt > ncur);

  /* if size is large, round to MALLOC_ROUND - 4 * longs to accommodate malloc overhead */
  if (elem * ncur > MALLOC_ROUND - sizeof (void *) * 4)
      ncur *= elem;
      ncur = (ncur + elem + (MALLOC_ROUND - 1) + sizeof (void *) * 4) & ~(MALLOC_ROUND - 1);
      ncur = ncur - sizeof (void *) * 4;
      ncur /= elem;

  return ncur;

pendings 数组

​ pendings是一个二维数组,按照优先级组织事件已经发生的watcher。ANPENDING结构记录了处于PENDING状态的监视器以及触发的事件。

VAR (pendings, ANPENDING *pendings [NUMPRI])
VAR (pendingmax, int pendingmax [NUMPRI])   //记录pendings数组第二维的容量
VAR (pendingcnt, int pendingcnt [NUMPRI])   // 记录pendings数组第二维的长度
VARx(int, pendingpri) /* highest priority currently pending */
/* stores the pending event set for a given watcher */
typedef struct
  W w;
  int events; /* the pending event set for the given watcher */


void ev_feed_event (EV_P_ void *w, int revents) EV_NOEXCEPT
  W w_ = (W)w;
  int pri = ABSPRI (w_);

  if (ecb_expect_false (w_->pending))
      // w_->pending不为0,该watcher已经处于PENDING状态
    pendings [pri][w_->pending - 1].events |= revents;
      w_->pending = ++pendingcnt [pri];  // pendingcnt[pri]记录了pendings[pri]目前的长度
      array_needsize (ANPENDING, pendings [pri], pendingmax [pri], w_->pending, array_needsize_noinit);
      pendings [pri][w_->pending - 1].w      = w_;
      pendings [pri][w_->pending - 1].events = revents;
  pendingpri = NUMPRI - 1;


  • 该值为0表示该watcher第一次被激活,
  • 不为0表示的是该watcher已经处于PENDING状态,而其具体的值,代表该watcher在pendings [pri]中的位置,也就是当前(loop->pendingcnt) [pri]的值。


# define EV_INVOKE_PENDING ev_invoke_pending (EV_A)

ev_invoke_pending (EV_P)
  pendingpri = NUMPRI;


      /* pendingpri possibly gets modified in the inner loop */
      while (pendingcnt [pendingpri])
          ANPENDING *p = pendings [pendingpri] + --pendingcnt [pendingpri];

          p->w->pending = 0;
          EV_CB_INVOKE (p->w, p->events);
  while (pendingpri);


  • libev 源码详解:https://jin-yang.github.io/post/linux-libev-source-code-details-introduce.html
  • libev 详解:https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/EV/libev/ev.pod
  • libev 使用示例:https://jin-yang.github.io/post/linux-libev.html